Sunday, July 11, 2010


this romeo is bleeding

but you can't see his blood

it's nothing but some feelings
that this old dog kicked up

it's been raining since you left me
now I'm drowning in the flood

you see I've always been a fighter
but without you I give up

now I can't sing a love song
like the way it's meant to be

well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
but baby, that's just me

yeah, I will love you
baby - Always
and I'll be there forever and a day -

I'll be there till the stars don't shine
till the heavens burst and

the words don't rhyme
and I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
and I'll love you


now you're pictures that you left behind

are just memories of a different life

some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
one that made you have to say goodbye

what I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
to touch your lips, to hold you near

when you say your prayers try to understand
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man

when he holds you close, when he pulls you near
when he says the words you've been needing to hear

I'll wish I was him `cause those words are mine
to say to you till the end of time

yeah, I will love you baby

and I'll be there forever and a day -
if you toll me to cry for you

I could
if you told me to die for you
I would
take a look at my face
there's no price I won't pay

to say these words to you

well, there ain't no luck

in these loaded dice
but baby if you give me just one more try
we can pack up our old dreams

and our old lives
we'll find a place where the sun still shines

yeah, I will love you

baby - Always
and I'll be there forever and a day -

I'll be there till the stars don't shine
till the heavens burst and

the words don't rhyme
and I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
and I'll love you


Monday, June 7, 2010

who am i to you??

who am i to you??

once i love u before

but now u have someone else in ur heart

i cannot do anything

"kun fayakun"

if its gonna happen, its gonna happen anyway

Sunday, March 14, 2010


tbe2 lak otak nie blur...
hati da rabak da dipermainkan
mcm da kene ratah ngan pirana plak rasenye
tp ap lh buat
tuhan x temukan aku dgn yg terbaik bg aku
bak kte dak blk aku
'yg lame2 tu sume die bg pinjam kejap je, sbb die nk uji ko, yg kekal tu akan die bg ko ble tbe mase yg sesuai'
thanks tawfiq
aku akan cuba untk hdop k
atas nasehat ko
nanti kte score same2 n g jpon tau bro!!
jepon, matlamat kami
doa2 la yang tebaek untk aku k kwn2

Friday, March 5, 2010

diriku yang gilaaaaaaa.......
aku da gile da pon
x tau da nk wat pe dlm hidop nie
walaupon aku brsyukur dgn ape yg aku ada,
tp ujuanNya lagi besar dri apa yg ak lh tnggung,,
selasa lepas, aku mngis,
memikirkan ape yg trjd kat umah
sbb time tu aku pon x tau la npe
leh lak trpikir psal umah
padahal dkt je
tp ntah la
lgpon mak n ayah aky da tua,
sape x risau
slame ni pon aku je yg ada kt umah yg leh jg die orag
wlaupn aku keje time tu
aku akn make sure yg dieorg ok(ada la cara2nye)
tp sjak aku msk ikm nie
aku mkin risau pasal dieorg
smpailah aku kene tarbiah ngan mmbr bilik aku
aku pnggil atok
thanks atok sbb wat aku sdar yg hidop nie
mmng bnyk dugaannye
thanks sbb wat aku sdr
bkn aku je yg risau pasal keluarga aku
malah sume dak2 dlm blk aku
leh dikate kan ketua keluarga, selain ayah dieorg
tu yg aku trsebab mlm tu
tp tenang la blk hati aku
skurang2 nye abg2 n kakak2 aku ada
walaupon da x serumah ngan mak ayah aku,
tp umah dieorang dkt
xpe la
pape yg bkl trjadi
aku kene trima
sbb tu sume ketentuan tuhan
aku xkley nk wt pape untk mengubahnye

Saturday, February 27, 2010

nasib oh naseb

ape nk jd ngan aku nie ha??
sampai skarang nie, satu pon jrang nk jd ngan aku
ada je la halangan die
mcm nie la, mcm tu la
nie kurang la, nie x btl la,
bru2 nie aku ada minat sorang dak ikm tmpt aku blaja,
tp mslhnye
aku yg spoilkan
ape leh buat
tp bru2 nie
aku try usha die blk
nmpknye respond pon ada gak
leh thn,,,,
tlg la wei
kalau x
sampai ble aku nk single je?
orng dok tulis syg2 kat ms la, fb la,
tp aku?
hapak pon tadak
harap2 yg nie kekal la hingga ke jinjang pelamin..
nk kat yg sorang tu da xlay
da jd tunag org.
nk wat mcm mne kan...
ada keje ckt g

Saturday, January 30, 2010


aku rasa gembira sgt
bahawasanya skill mengimpal aku di IKM semakin menarik!!
sume nie aku ucapkan trimas kepada En Hidhir, yg bakar semangat aku,
ngan En Roslan skali
daripada x reti langsung
kepada ada la 2 3 skill
ok la tu kan
walaupon x perfect lg,, tp usaha tetap diteruskan
nie adalah antara hasil2nya!!

nie la hasil dari kelas En Roslan

nie lak hasil usaha welding aku.. hehehe

Saturday, January 9, 2010


lame gile la x update blog kesygan aku nie... rindu lak
da 2 minggu aku x update blog.. coz skarang aku kat IKM KL..
Institut Kemahiran Mara... aahhah
tmpat lame makcik aku blaja dulu
aku kat sane ambek kos sijil teknologi kimpalan...
kalau x g poli
tp sbb aku pkir2 jgk
pasal masa dpn aku
pasal kewangan skarang
pasal masa depan aku ngan si dia(masih mencari)
aku pon g la ikm nie
mule2 mmg aku ckp la
mcm !@$&!!
kene regging(orentasi... xley nk wat pape)
tapi yg paling bestnye ialah..
'air salam perkenalan'
air teh yg rasa mcm air laut
ambek ko
tgh2 malam pulak tu
pening trus mlm tu
naseb la last day
kalau x

skarang nie aku da seminggu da start kelas
dimulakan ngan bengkel
pengenalan mengenai kimpalan n sebagainya..
aku mmg puas hati ngan jalan yg aku pilih nie
walaupon nanti keje bwh kepanasan n keterikan matahari
aku redha
untuk masa depan aku
doa2 kan aku berjaya k guys!!
n good luck tu you to!!